
GoalLife Marine Collagen A+ 海洋胶原蛋白 A+


As people age, facial wrinkles tend to be more visible. A person’s breast and hips will start to sag as well. All these signs of aging will gradually show because of the loss of collagen in our body. Other factors like staying up late, environmental pollution, an imbalanced diet and other bad habits can also quicken the loss of collagen.   

What is collagen?

Collagen is a polymer that forms components of extracellular matrix and plays an important role in connecting tissues and cells. It is also the most important constructive protein in the human connective tissue. It often exists in the form of insoluble fibrin in the human body; collagen can also protect and bind human tissues while sustaining the body’s structure.

The volume of collagen is an indicator of the skin aging. In fact, the skin starts to age from the age of 25. The moisture content on the surface decreases and after 35, skin will start to sag and fine lines will appear on the face. The combination of 70 percent collagen in the skin matrix, net-like and elastic fiber enable the speed up of dermis growth cells and activate the cells on the skin surface. Thus, aging signs will appear when one is lacking collagen.

Do you know?

Appropriate Intake of food which is rich in collagen helps to restore collagen in the body, e.g. pork legs, pork skin, chicken crest, chicken feet, chicken wing, beef tendons, fish skin, and cartilage parts. However, these foods are usually oily, full of fatty acid and contain excessive cholesterol. Intake of these foods carries a certain risk and it is not advisable for old people in the long-term.

With Collagen A+, its no longer a dream to have healthy joints and beautiful body and skin

Collagen is one of the main structures of human tissue and plays an important role in renewing and regenerating human organs tissue. Thus, supplement of collagen at the right timing can help to recuperate the body as well as rejuvenate and refresh the skin. It satisfies needs of different body condition of all age groups. It is a vital anti-aging supplement especially for women at their 20s.

Characteristics of the product

1. Made using marine hydrolyzed collagen which is derived from a natural marine source which is safe and highly absorbent
2. An ideal supplement of 6000mg collagen, which helps to prevent collagen loss
3. With the addition of Vitamin C, it helps natural growth of collagen
4. Contains kudzu, grape seed and other potent natural anti-aging extracts
5. Restores the youthfulness in skin    

Effects of the Product

- Prevents wrinkles, lighten and reduce spots, improve flabbiness, dullness and roughness of the skin surface as well as other skin aging problems
- Increases bones flexibility and prevents osteoporosis
- Tightens skin, prevents sagginess and helps to develop a perfect S-shape body curve
- Improves the healing capacity of chondrocytes and slows down joint deterioration
- Quickens healing of wounds as well as the healing capacity of cells
- Helps maintain a normal metabolism and effective for slimming purposes
- increase body organ and tissue function efficiency





关节保健 靓肤美体 Collagen A+一次搞定

1. 选用深海无污染的水解胶原蛋白,安全好吸收
2. 每次补给6000mg胶原,预防流失好方法
3. 添加维生素C,帮助胶原自然生成
4. 添加野葛、葡萄籽等天然高效抗老成分
5. 补充肌肤的青春泉源,养颜美容、青春永驻

- 预防皱纹、美白淡 斑、改善,松弛、晦暗、粗糙等皮肤老化问题
- 增加骨骼柔软度及弹性,预防骨骼疏松症
- 紧致肌肤、预防下垂,展现完美S曲线
- 促进软骨细胞修复能力,延缓关节退化
- 提升伤口愈合与细胞修复功能
- 维持正常代谢率,发挥纤身作用
- 维护体内器官组织正常运作