
Monday 1 August 2011

Goallife?? (About Us)

In 2003, a Taiwan ventured company Skin Wellness Sdn Bhd was stabled in Malaysia. That marked a first step for the company. We believe our products must adhere to the 3 uniqueness i.e. “Natural, Environmental Friendly and Effective”.    The products were manufactured under French & Taiwanese R&D technology and they have the Cosmeceutical effectiveness. With this in mind, the Skin Formulation brand was born.

The Skin Formulation range of products caters for facial & body care. From 2003 till now, Skin Formulation products were distributed throughout beauty salons in Malaysia, Singapore Brunei and other South East Asian countries. Over the years, the products had gained trust & prestige where they were marketed. 

In 2010, Skin Formulation successfully set up the Singapore branch with blessing & well wishes from many quarters. Through regional expansion, it has enabled more people to enjoy the benefits & efficacy of the products. 

In the same year, Taiwan Skin Formulation was also set up. This means the company has set foot & returned to the Motherland. In July, Goal Life E-commerce online shopping was launched; this has enabled the company to break new ground as well as to scale new height. The company consistently embark on innovative & extraordinary Marketing channels to distribute it’s products.

2003年,總公司Skin Wellness Sdn Bhd在馬來西亞踏出第一步,秉持著產品必須符合「天然、環保、有效」3大特性的信念下,結合法國和台灣研發單位與製作團隊,以醫學美容等級的效果,創辦 了Skin Formulation-羨麗膚品牌。 

Skin Formulation-羨麗膚,是臉部與身體的保養品,2003年至今,在馬來西亞、新加坡、汶萊等東南亞國家,提供給專業美容院使用,成為消費者口碑 與信賴的保障。2007年期間,Skin Formulation PL 新加坡分公司,也在各界的期盼與祝福中成立,透過跨國經營的視野與廣度,讓更多人體驗羨麗膚產品的功效! 

2010年,美好生活健康事業有限公司在台灣成立,這也是鮭魚返鄉計劃中最為重要的一環,回到台灣並在20107月開創Goal life網路購物平台,做為一個全新平台的立足點,讓我們有了更多的創意與想法。

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